On 11/21/2008 2:22 AM, Hans Hagen wrote:
i leave it to others to react on the rest of your mail (some users have been tuning the mechanism too)
On 11/21/2008 9:45 AM, Steffen Wolfrum wrote:
Am 21.11.2008 um 16:35 schrieb Lars Huttar:
Did either of you, Aditya or Steffen, have success modifying how URLs are wrapped? Did you do it by using \sethyphenatedurlbefore/etc.?
I'm trying to finish a production project and am stuck on this problem.
Thanks, Lars
Hi Lars,
... no, I am still hoping for a fix for that.
As far as I have seen also Mojca asked for "How to influence hyphenation points in URLs?" And even her got no answer! That's a bad sign ;o)
On 11/21/2008 9:52 AM, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
No, I had a deadline and in the end, I did URL breaking by hand, using \break at appropriate places. But it was a short article (4/5 pages).
So as far as we know, nobody has successfully used \sethyphenatedurlbefore/after/etc. to tune the url-breaking mechanism. Has anybody else on the list done this? If not, maybe the mkii implementation has never worked for that purpose... it's possible, since urls are breaking after hyphens when lang-url.mkii says to break before hyphens. If this is the case (\sethyphenatedbefore/after in mkii is broken), then rather than awaiting a fix for the soon-obsolete mkii implementation, maybe I can do a workaround. I need help with the tex details though, please, as I am still very much a tex newbie... We are generating our tex document, so verbosity is not a problem, but irregularity would be. Rather than inserting \break in various places manually, which would have to be redone often, I could automatically insert \discretionary or \allowbreak before/after the appropriate characters in the tex document. Would that work? How would I suppress hyphenation at other points -- \dontleavehmode or something like that? Thanks again, Lars