I did the update to ConTeXt 2006-01-18 but almost regret that decision as an old problem seems to surface again. Typesetting a file that has not failed me with an august2006 version now crashes. Relevant data from the processing log (using TeXShop): systems : begin file syllabus-s-mpgraph-temp at line 42 .... ! Undefined control sequence. l.53 \tts 66\%\CCC :4:126% So what is going on here? File syllabus-s-mpgraph-temp shows at the offending site: \starttext ..... \startMPXpage \tts 66\%\CCC:4:126% \stopMPXpage And this code must have been come from a metapost source: \startuseMPgraphic{taalengels}{width,height,gap} .... label.ulft(textext("\tts 66\%~"), (bs + 27 * u, baseline + 660 * bt + dotsize/2)); Aha, I conclude, trouble with the %-sign! But I think I have seen that error before, originating in one of the Ruby-scripts if I remember well. Having to do with the file parsing and failing on %'s or something like that. Hans Hagen had it fixed then with a patch on a ruby script. Why is this problem now cropping up again? Can this be fixed? Thanks in advance for the trouble this causes. Hans van der Meer