Dear Hans, Thank you for the quick answer. Repalcing “p:=textext.rt();” and commenting out “headcommand=gobbleone…” with your suggestion, the references are working. However, there is a side effect. “Theorem 1.1” appears twice, one in the frame which I expected and one at the beginning of the framed text which I don’t want. One more thing, is there no way to show the number of the Definition? Thanks again. Best regards, Dalyoung %%%%%%%%%% \setupcolors[state=start] \definecolor[dGreen] [r=0,g=.375,b=.0] %%% define the background of Theorems: \defineframed [FunnyFramed] [frame=off, loffset=1ex, roffset=1ex, foregroundstyle=\ssbf] \startuseMPgraphic{FunnyFrame} picture p ; numeric o ; path a, b ; pair c ; %%%%% p := textext.rt(“\FunnyFramed{\enumerationparameter{text} \convertedcounter[Theorem]}”) ; p := textext.rt("\FunnyFramed{\currentconstructiontext}") ; o := BodyFontSize ; a := unitsquare xyscaled (OverlayWidth,OverlayHeight) ; p := p shifted (2o,OverlayHeight-ypart center p) ; drawoptions (withpen pencircle scaled 1pt withcolor .625red) ; b := a superellipsed .95 ; draw b ; b := (boundingbox p) superellipsed .95 ; fill b withcolor .85white ; draw b ; draw p withcolor black ; setbounds currentpicture to a ; \stopuseMPgraphic \defineoverlay[FunnyFrame][\useMPgraphic{FunnyFrame}] \defineframedtext [FunnyText] [frame=off, background=FunnyFrame, before={\blank[line,halfline]}, after={\blank[line]}, offset=\bodyfontsize, width=\textwidth] \defineenumeration[Theorem] [title=no, text={\translate[en=Theorem, kr=정리]}, prefix=yes, prefixsegments=chapter, way=bychapter, alternative=command, %%%%%% headcommand=\gobbleoneargument, before=\startFunnyText, after=\stopFunnyText] %%%% Definition style \definenumber[DefNumber][way=bychapter,sectionumber=yes] \setuptextrules[rulecolor=dBlue] \define\DefCommand{\incrementnumber[DefNumber] \textrule[top]{\translate[en=Definition, kr=정 의] \getnumber[DefNumber]} } \defineenumeration[Definition] [width=fit, alternative=serried, text={}, number=no, before={\DefCommand}, after=\vskip3pt\hrule\blank] %%% Examples with or without solutions \defineenumeration[Exam] [text={\white\translate[en=Example, kr=예제]}, numbercommand={\inframed[corner=round, framecolor=dYellow,toffset=-1pt,boffset=-1pt, loffset=1ex,roffset=1ex, background=color,backgroundcolor=dGreen]}, % title=no, alternataive=hanging, prefix=yes, prefixsegments=chapter, way=bychapter, before={\blank[big]}, after=\blank] \starttext \chapter{Spaces} \section{Space 1} \startDefinition[def:first] Let $X$ be a uncountable set. Let $\infty$ is a fixed point of $X$. Let $\mathcal T$ be the family of subsets $G$ such that either (i) $\infty \notin G$ or (ii) $\infty \in G \text{ and } G^c$ is finite. The space $(X, {\mathcal T} )$ is called {\bf Fort's space}. \stopDefinition \startTheorem[lem:first] Fort's space is a compact and Hausdorff topological space.\par \stopTheorem \startTheorem[thm:second] Fort's space is a compact and Hausdorff topological space. \stopTheorem \startExam[Ex:first] Example Example Example Example Example Example Example Example Example Example Example Example Example Example Example Example Example Example Example Example Example Example Example Example Example Example Example \stopExam In this example, we defined \in{Definition}[def:first]. After that, we proved \in{Lemma}[lem:first] and \in{정리}[thm:second]. Finally, \in{Example}[Ex:first], we saw an example of it. \stoptext