20 Jul
20 Jul
8:42 a.m.
I see. Impressive (I think I have to learn lua, too)
You don’t have to, but you’ll see that it’s actually fun.
But for now I am better off with the coontains statement.
\xmlsetsetup{#1}{hi[contains(@rendition, 'in')]}{xml:hi:in}
It matches
<hi rendition="#in">S</hi>
without problems
But of course, I am not sure if there are any side effects.
Well, only if you have other attributes which also contain “in."
What is your Wiki policy? I am willing to help.
I've made an account. Shall I just edit the page? I'd put a new subline at the end of the text.
Removing hashmarks from the xml source
Yes, just edit the page - there is no official deciding body, but some people keep an eye on the wiki and will gently edit if you make a mistake. Thomas