Am 14.12.2010 um 10:00 schrieb barney schwartz:
Group, Hans. Wolfgang, Help PLEASE
I have numerous loooooong tables to publish. attached find minimal example.
I need these tables to mimic \longtables LaTeX package.
I got a recode from Wolfgang using the TABLE module which works well for the header, footer and TABLEbody however:
I need table caption and tablefoot to state:
table xxxxxx (continue)
Also it would be perfect if the top of the continued page(s) were open and the footer for the continued page(s) said:
table xxxxxxx (continued)
Is there a way to accomplishe this feat of magic within ConTeXt?
MkII provided subnumbers for splitted tables, this function is not yet rewritten for MkIV but because Hans hasn’t needed it so far. Although you provided a example it wasn’t minimal enough for a test. Here is a minimal example for Hans, which shows correct numbering for split tables which is currently wrong for MkIV: \setuppapersize[A7][A7] \starttext \placetable [split] {Test 1} {\bTABLE \dorecurse{20}{\bTR\bTD #1 \eTD\eTR} \eTABLE} \placetable {Test 2} {\bTABLE \bTR\bTD 1 \eTD\eTR \eTABLE} \stoptext Wolfgang