Am 26.04.2012 um 18:36 schrieb Bill Meahan:
On 04/26/2012 11:11, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Am 25.04.2012 um 23:20 schrieb Bill Meahan:
Hi, folks.
I've tried running the example from the "descriptions" article on the wiki and it works fine if I use MkII via "texexec" but fails miserably if I use MlIV via "context." Outside of changing "location" to "alternative" in the \definedescription command parameters, what else do I need to change to make the example run with MkIV? Which example doesn’t work?
This one:
\setupdescriptions[descr][ headstyle=bold,style=normal,align=left,alternative=hanging, width=fit,margin=1cm]
\definedescription[descr][ headstyle=bold]
\starttext \startdescr{Para} This is a shorter item label, and some text that talks about it. The text is wrapped into a paragraph, with successive lines indented.
This is another paragraph under the "Para" item. \startdescr{Sub Item} This is a description of an item which is within the "Para" item. \stopdescr \startdescr{Sub Item} Another Sub Item \stopdescr \stopdescr \startdescr{Short with long title} A short item that's not part of that really long "Para" item. \stopdescr
The example works for me but it’s bad style to use \setup… before you have created the command with \define… You can also remove “align=left” because this will make the whole text right aligned, with MkII this isn’t a problem because the setting doesn’t work. Wolfgang