Dne petek 28. decembra 2007 je Taco Hoekwater napisal(a):
Your pf_ul.tex had a spurious (or incomplete) \insert command at the end, that is what was causing an error problems "Missing number".
Yes, I figured that out not too long after I posted my files. Sorry about that.
For the footnoted references, this seems to work:
Thanks, I've reused this macro of yours to make it fit my needs better.
You are operating on the border of what is doable for the current bibliographic module, and I have no time to spend a month on a rewrite just now, so if this is still not good enough, you are out of luck.
With your help I managed to get together something useable. It's not perfect yet, but since the text I'm working on now is not that important and the next text where I would need a lot of different types of bibliography is still more then half a year away — there is no rush. Not that I would be bold enough to call this a bug ...it's more of a "feature request" if you will. During the process of learning how the bib module in ConTeXt works I came to these suggestions: * an autodetection/setting for \cite (e.g. \setupcitelayout) that works like \setuppublicationlayout, but outputs to the "cite field" * an autodetection/setting for \cite (e.g. in \setupcite) that works similar then \*author, \*sep, \*etal and \*etallimit in \setuppublicationlist when it comes to many authors in the citation field. * an autodetection/setting for \cite similar to the above with a script that would automatically shorten titles to the first X words, if the title exceeded Y characters or words; where X and Y could be set up * this might be a tough one — (at least in Slovenia's legal circles) legal documents get cited for the first time (e.g. with \cite) the same way as in the bibliography (full name, abbrev, journal, all changes etc.), but for each next time the same legal act gets cited only it's abbrevation should be used. Also in connection with that — is it possible (already) to utilise \useskip so that not only the empty space of the missing field, but also it's separators (e.g. \inserteditor{ed: }{, }{}) are being skipped? Thanks a million! Cheers, Matija p.s. all I have to do now is get some headers etc. ...but I think that should be doable even with my limited skills. p.p.s. I'm attaching the files a) if anyone finds any obvious faults in it and b) for anyone who could make use of the pf_ul.tex definitions. -- gsm: +386 41 849 552 e-mail: matija.suklje@rutka.net www: http://matija.suklje.name aim: hookofsilver icq: 110183360 jabber/g-talk: matija.suklje@gabbler.org msn: matija.suklje@rutka.net yahoo: matija_suklje