On Thu, Mar 20, 2003 at 10:44:23AM +0100, Hans Hagen wrote:
tabulate will break
table will break when asked for
bTABLE will break when split=yes
linetables will break horizontally and vertically
The option \setupTABLE[split=yes] causes errors in DocbookInContext. The revision history gives an error, tables in the body do not obey this option. The error in the revision history is as follows: ! Missing } inserted. <inserted text> } <to be read again> \halign \begintbl ... \rowTBL \tabskip \zeropoint \halign \bgroup \registerparoption... <inserted text> \begintbl \begintblrow \makeTBL {1}{1}\nexttblcol \makeTBL {... \endTBL ...tblbox \scratchbox \else \the \tbltoks \fi \else \vbox {\the \tbl... \eTABLE ...{\doTBL {\row }{\col }}}\eTBL }\endTBL \egroup \egroup \popTBL l.52 \eTABLE \egroup ? x The following file mimics what happens when the revision history is processed, and generates the same error: \setupTABLE[split=yes] \starttext \section{One} Some text to continue with. Some text to continue with. Some text to continue with. Some text to continue with. Some text to continue with. Some text to continue with. Some text to continue with. Some text to continue with. Some text to continue with. Some text to continue with. Some text to continue with. Some text to continue with. Some text to continue with. Some text to continue with. \unprotect \def\??xmldb {xmldb} \def\??xmldbrevhist {\??xmldb rvh} \setvalue{\??xmldbrevhist date}{Date} \setvalue{\??xmldbrevhist authorinitials}{Author} \setvalue{\??xmldbrevhist revnumber}{Revision} \setvalue{\??xmldbrevhist revremark}{Remark} \setvalue{\??xmldbrevhist revdescription}{Description} \def\XMLDBenvironmentSaveElement#1% {\@EA\gdef\csname XMLDBused!#1\endcsname{1}} \def\XMLDBElementList{revnumber,date,authorinitials,revremark,revdescription} \processcommacommand[revnumber,date,authorinitials]\XMLDBenvironmentSaveElement \def\XMLDBshowElementTH#1{% \@EA\ifx\csname XMLDBused!#1\endcsname\relax\else \bTH\getvalue{\??xmldbrevhist #1}\eTH \doglobal\addtocommalist{#1}\XMLDBElementsUsed \fi } \def\XMLDBshowElementTD#1{% \safeexpanded{\bTD \ignorespaces \csname #1:data\endcsname}\eTD} \gdef\XMLDBElementsUsed{}% \midaligned\bgroup \setupTABLE[frame=off] \setupTABLE[row][first][topframe=on] \setupTABLE[row][first,last][bottomframe=on] \bTABLE % typeset header and construct the list of elements used \bTR\processcommacommand[\XMLDBElementList]\XMLDBshowElementTH\eTR % process content second pass \setvalue{revnumber:data}{0.5} \setvalue{date:data}{21 March 2003} \setvalue{authorinitials:data}{SP} \bTR\processcommacommand[\XMLDBElementsUsed]\XMLDBshowElementTD\eTR \XMLflush{revhistory}% \eTABLE\egroup \protect \stoptext Regards, Simon -- Simon Pepping email: spepping@scaprea.hobby.nl