Am 22.02.2014 um 01:25 schrieb Jan Tosovsky
On 2014-02-22 Jan Tosovsky wrote:
when hanging in footnotes is enabled and the starting character is a punctuation, it is not protruded. However, the same character in the footnote body works fine. When both cases are close each other, it looks weird, see the screenshot:
Would it be possible make this behaviour uniform - either do not protrude it on the starting (left) edge or protrude it everywhere?
A minimal example is available at http://drifted.in/other/sample.tex
There are two things which prevent the protrusion of the opening quote at the begin of the paragraph. One of these can be avoided with a change in the setup for footnotes but not the other without destroying the layout of the footnote text. One problem is the way how context places the footnote number in front of the text, by default context uses the \llap command to move the number into the left margin but this prevents also the protrusion of the opening quote. You can avoid this problem when you change the footnote setup to \setupnotation[footnote][alternative=margin]. <example> \definefontfeature[default][default][expansion=quality,protrusion=quality] \setupbodyfont[modern] \setupalign[hanging] \showframe[text][text] \starttext »Text« \noindent\hbox to 0pt{}»Text« \noindent\hbox to 0pt{\hss}»Text« \stoptext </example> The second problem which prevents the opening quote to protrude are the struts which are added by context at the begin and end of the footnote content and there is no way to disable them because they are needed to have proper spacing between the individual footnote texts on the same page. <example> \definefontfeature[default][default][expansion=quality,protrusion=quality] \setupbodyfont[modern] \setupalign[hanging] \showframe[text][text] \starttext »Text« \strut »Text« \stoptext </example> In the example below where I took care of these two problems (don’t take care of \begstrut in this way in your real document because it will cause many problems, it’s just for educational purpose) to show you this is what caused the unwanted output. <example> \definefontfeature[default][default][expansion=quality,protrusion=quality] \setupbodyfont[modern] \setupalign[hanging] \showframe[text][text] \setupnotation[footnote][alternative=margin,align=hanging] \starttext \let\begstrut\relax First Footnote.\footnote{»\input{ward}«} Second Footnote.\footnote{»\input{ward}«} \stoptext </example> Wolfgang