Xan wrote:
I posted previously [http://www.ntg.nl/pipermail/ntg-context/2009/043675.html] but no one answer that. Is it possible to localizated bibliography module depending on \mainlanguage? I think for example in @inproceedings or @article in ams. It appears "number" for specifying the number of journal, but "number" is in english. It were useful if we could display "número" for \mainlanguage[es], "nombre" for \mainlanguage[ca], etc like we display tableofcontents or the title of references in \mainlanguage localization.
There is only very limited support for internationalisation in the bib module, but at least you can define the reference title: \setupheadtext[ca][pubs=Referències] this definition is actually already there. For the small bits of text inside the reference list, you have to create a copy of the relevant bibl-xxx file with the two-letter language code attached to the name, edit that file to your liking, then do: \setuppublications[alternative=apa-ca] % for example.
For the other hand, is it possible to define second references like wikipedia? I plan to write a document that will have a normal bibliography citations (like \cite[bridson].... and display the book of Bridson) and a wikipedia-like citations for citing specifically paragraphs of text (that I want to display like wikipedia references \wikicite[This text appears in paragraph 2 of \cite[bridson] in a reject of ....]) Is it possible?
I am not sure whether I understand you correctly, but there is this command: \def\getcitedata [key][field] to \macroname which stores the value of 'field' in the reference 'key' into the \macroname. The idea is that you can use this to fetch any simple key from a reference anywhere in the document. Best wishes, Taco