On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 5:14 PM, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
On Mon, 14 Jul 2008, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
The ConTeXt modules are now mirrored on CTAN, but they might be lacking better descriptions in the catalogue. Authors of modules - please check.
They are still not included in the current texlive beta.
They are under http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/context/contrib/ but not imported into TeX Live yet. Karl asked us to rename tex/context/third/vim into tex/context/third/context-vim (or some similar approach), so that folder names would match package name. Renaming the package into vim is out of question since there is already "vim" package in TL (this is what Karl says, but even if there are no collisions - it's nice if it's clear that something is a ConTeXt package). TeX Live has some automated scripts that check the whole TeX Live tree and match package name with contents. If all packages obey that rule, then one doesn't need to care about list of files that belong to a certain package. But I don't like that solution just for the sake of TeX Live. All other distributions can live without that double naming happily. It would be much better if some ConTeXt-specific package management would be implemented (scripts should be told that they need to deal with ConTeXt package, not LaTeX package, and search fof files accordingly) - ConTeXt packages have enough strict rules of where files may reside. Or whatever. Another solution would be to write rules about which files to fetch for each package. But then Karl doesn't like that solution since he doesn't like having to create new rules every time a new package appears. I'm willing to write those if that would solve the problem. Mojca