Aditya Mahajan
22. Oktober 2015 um 02:52

The following example fails:


  \left. a \right|



tex error       > tex error on line 7 in file /private/tmp/test.tex: ! Missing \endgroup inserted

<inserted text>
<to be read again>
\stopdisplaymath ...math \Ucheckedstopdisplaymath
                                                  \par \ifvmode \ifcase \c_s...
\strc_formulas_stop_formula ...native \v!formula }
                                                  \dostoptagged \dostoptagge...
l.7 \stopformula

This is a weird bug. Only \left. \right| fails; \left| \right| works correctly. If I remove the fillbetween library, the error goes away.

Any hints as to what is happening will be appreciated.

The fillbetween library changes the catcode of the bar character.






You get the same error when you use \asciimode in your document.



  \left. a \right|

