Am 18.06.2005 um 18:06 schrieb Peter Münster:
With this experience I'm quite sure, that ConTeXt is much easier to use for a thesis, than MS-Word. After about 4 or 5 days reading the
Don't know if it's easier (for a programmer, sure), but much more reliable - MSW is famous for destroying huge works like books or theses. A German computer magazine (I think it was c't) recently tested the ability of different word processors to process big documents with footnotes, registers, lists etc, and MSW became bad grades - if you choose to use a word processor, use OpenOffice.org!
None of my colleagues, even those with several years of experience with MS-Word, is able to do that.
It *is* possible if you know how and are very careful (split the text in chapters, safe and backup often etc.), but OpenOffice.org is better for that - besides any TeX, of course. ;-)
Another important thing: *only* MS-Word can read your Word- document, and of course only the right version (M$ won't guarantee, that Word-2005 prints out your document the same way as Word-2000).
That's not true since about Word 98; and there are a lot of other word processors that can import MSW-Docs (e.g. OOo again). Grüßlis vom Hraban! --- http://www.fiee.net/texnique/ http://contextgarden.net