28 Jun
28 Jun
9:03 p.m.
Am 28.06.10 17:59, schrieb Tom:
\numstr seems to work fine in the body of text but errors out as if #1 was not a number when it is used in chapter start loc. Here is an example:
\setuphead[chapter] [command=\MyChapterCommandA] %change A to B to eliminate \substr call
Try \setuphead[chapter][deepnumbercommand=\numstr] Wolfgang Making the following changes resulted in ! Missing Number, treated as zero. %\def\MyChapterCommandA#1#2% #1 is number, #2 is text % {\numstr{#1}} %\def\MyChapterCommandB#1#2% #1 is number, #2 is text % {#1 #2} \setuphead[chapter] [deepnumbercommand=\numstr] Tom Benjey 717-258-9733 voice 717-243-0074 fax Twitter: @TomBenjey