jbf schrieb am 09.09.2020 um 08:04:
Have to confess I am still not getting far with the final problem in a book that is now fully laid out: frontmatter through to appendices is all correct and working, but the Table of Contents not the way I need it (as explained earlier and listed in a previous email).
My latest effort focuses on just one item, the Foreword, since if I get that right, I can apply the same logic to sections. Chapters are already working correctly, thanks to Wolfgang's ChapterListCommand and I am assuming I need that for the several frontmatter 'chapters'.
I was earlier using \title for foreword, preface and notes to contributors, but have abandoned that as complicating things, and am now using \chapter, since it does not produce a numbered item - however, it is producing the label 'Chapter' which I don't want for these item. You can see below how I tried to avoid that, but it failed. My MWE addition to what Wolfgang provided is:
\definehead [foreword] [chapter]
\setuphead [foreword]
\setuplist [foreword] [label=foreword, alternative=command, command=\ChapterListCommand]% definition not included here. It was given in an earlier response from Wolfgang.
.... And in the frontmatter itself:
\startchapter[foreword][title={\ss Foreword}][author={A. Uthor}]
You can set the forword string as labeltext and ignore the title (but use a empty argument when set userdata like the author). \definehead [forword] [chapter] \setuplabeltext [en] [forword=Forword, chapter=Chapter ] \setuphead [forword] [frontpartlabel=forword, conversion=empty] \setupsectionblock [frontpart] [number=yes] \setuplist [forword] [label=forword, width=2cm] \setuplist [chapter] [label=chapter, width=2cm] \starttext \startfrontmatter \placelist [chapter,forword] \startforword [] [author={A. u. thor}] \stopforword \stopfrontmatter \startbodymatter \startchapter [title=Chapter 1] [author={A. u. thor}] \stopchapter \stopbodymatter \stoptext Wolfgang