On Wed, Dec 28, 2022 at 5:58 AM Alan Braslau via ntg-context
On Wed, 28 Dec 2022 00:27:39 +0100 Hans Hagen via ntg-context
wrote: What you can do is:
which basically makes the prime an operation .. a small price to pay for more robust handling of primes (also across fonts)
I anticipated that (unicode) prime is a pain to handle, given that different fonts present it differently.
$\primed{a}...$ is a very readable and reasonable solution (unlike \mathord{}, which seems to be a messy fix). I will learn and use that.
Thank you!
P.S. inverting the order of the "exponents", if prime is some sort of exponent, was a surprising result.
Alan, Note that the 2 sits higher in \primed{a}^2 than it does in (a')^2. For readability, I really prefer the version with parentheses. /Mikael