I would like to put some math in metapost pictures. For the moment I am using textext for the typesetting in my metapost macro: pic := textext("\setbox0=\hbox{\color["&textcolor&"]"&labeltext&"}\dp0=0pt\box0"); picture pic will be placed in the metapost figure. Simple math like $p=2$ works fine, but the system chokes on something like the following matrix: $\pmatrix{p_{0|0}\cr}$ (it does fine in ConTeXt itself). The error is: ! Only one # is allowed per tab. system > tex > error on line 6 in file Info/kanaalmatrix.tex: Only one # is allowed per tab ... Perhaps I am too optimistic about textext's possibilities. But how can I accomplish the placement of these and more elaborate formulae in metapost pictures using ConTeXt? It is of the essence for a series of Powerpoint slides I am preparing, wheein these formulae must be placed as individual pictures. Hans van der Meer