On Sat, 20 Apr 2019, Gilles Waeber wrote:
Hi, I'm trying to create a style with a left border in the margin.
I want the border to start and stop with the text. For the bottom I used framedepth but the bar still goes too far on the top?
\showframe \showboxes \defineframedtext[leftbartext][ width=broad, frame=off, leftframe=on, rulethickness=.5ex, offset=-\framedparameter{rulethickness}, frameoffset=\dimexpr\leftmargindistance + \framedparameter{rulethickness}\relax, framedepth=-\framedparameter{frameoffset}, ] \starttext \startleftbartext \input knuth \stopleftbartext \stoptext
Framed does not provide enough hooks to control the spaces. For something like this, you can also use metapost to draw the background: \showframe \showboxes \defineframedtext[leftbartext][ width=broad, frame=off, rulethickness=.5ex, background=mp:offsetframe, offset=overlay, ] \defineoverlay[mp:offsetframe][\useMPgraphic{mp:offsetframe}] \startuseMPgraphic{mp:offsetframe} draw leftboundary OverlayBox xshifted -(LeftMarginDistance + 0.5OverlayLineWidth) withpen pencircle scaled OverlayLineWidth; setbounds currentpicture to OverlayBox; \stopuseMPgraphic \starttext \startleftbartext \input knuth \stopleftbartext \stoptext Aditya