11 Nov
11 Nov
8:56 p.m.
Am 11.11.2010 20:40, schrieb Manfred Lotz:
\bTABLE \bTABLEhead \bTR \bTD Colheader 1 \eTD \bTD Colheader 2 \eTD \eTR \eTBALEhead \bTABLEbody \bTR \bTD cell 11 \eTD \bTD cell 12 \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD cell 21 \eTD \bTD cell 22 \eTD \eTR \eTABLEbody \eTABLE
Thanks for your example which works fine but raises some more questions:
1. Your example creates borders around each cell which I don't want to have. Any way to get rid of them?
\bTABLE[frame=off] Herbert