I have tried various combinations and have so far been unsuccessful in getting a row of double height using natural tables. I am following up and enclosing a minimal example, along with the a previous incarnation using TABLE, which does give me the intended layout.
Any suggestions on how to do the same using natural tables would be greatly appreciated.
use the height parameter for the table row. also, I don't thik you've understood the meaning of 'nr=2'. I suggest you read the wiki entry on TABLES: http://wiki.contextgarden.net/TABLE and here's your table back ;P : \bTABLE \bTABLEbody \bTR \bTD Circuit \eTD \bTD Description \eTD \bTD Circuit \eTD \bTD Description \eTD \eTR \bTR[height=0.7in] \bTD 7 \eTD \bTD Bedroom 4 Arc Fault Plug \eTD \bTD 8 \eTD \bTD \unused \eTD \eTR \eTABLEbody \eTABLE