On 11/01/15 11:39 pm, Hans Hagen wrote:
On 1/11/2015 12:36 AM, David Brooks wrote:
I'm new to ConTeXt (although have used LaTeX in various ways over a long time) and am impressed! Many thanks for a great system.
I'm wanting some pages in a book to have a different layout to others, and am using \definelayout and \setuplayout to do so. This all works, including adding layers to the different layouts. However the layout change (specified by \setuplayout) occurs immediately after the command is given, which means following paragraphs on the page have the layout's new width and not the width used for earlier text on the page: i.e:
+ + xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx <-- \setuplayout xxxxx xxxxx + + + + xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx + +
Is there anyway to defer the change in layout so that it occurs when the next page starts?? I can obviously force my own page breaks using \page and give \setuplayout immediately afterwards, but this doesn't allow for paragraph text to flow over the page boundary.
\setuplayout [width=11cm] \definelayout [odd] [backspace=1cm,height=18cm] \definelayout [even] [backspace=4cm,height=19cm] \definelayout [5] [backspace=5cm,height=20cm] \definelayout [6] [backspace=5cm] \definelayout [-2] [backspace=0cm,cutspace=0cm] \definelayout [last] [backspace=0cm,cutspace=0cm]
\checkcurrentlayout \showframe
\starttext \dorecurse{20} {\input knuth \endgraf \input tufte \endgraf} \stoptext
so you can play with these settings Thanks, but if the page width changes the current paragraph's width does not adjust across the page boundary, as seen with:
\setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided] \setuplayout [width=11cm,height=18cm] \definelayout [odd] [backspace=1cm] \definelayout [even] [backspace=4cm,width=14cm] \checkcurrentlayout \showframe \starttext \dorecurse{4} {\input knuth \endgraf \input tufte \endgraf} \stoptext Regards, Dave