On Mon, 7 Feb 2005 15:45:29 +0000, Adam Lindsay
Idris Samawi Hamid said this at Mon, 7 Feb 2005 08:28:43 -0700:
No, but I use old-style numerals as default
Out of curiosity, are the old-style numerals from CM (cmmi*, I presume) in any shapes other than roman? I had the impression there were no real italic or bold variants, but I could be wrong (and would love to know where to find them, in that case!).
There is a bold version for the 10pt case only (cmmib10), and I created a font switch \ob to use old-style bold at any bold size when necessary (no optcal scaling). \bf still switches to the optically-scaled bold, while \ob uses cmmib10's numerals: \definestyle [oldstylebold] [\ob] [] : \definefontsynonym [OldStyleSerif-Bold] [cmrosb10] %cmrosb10 is a virtual font that calls the numerals from %cmmib10 : \definefontsynonym [SerifBold] [OldStyleSerif-Bold] : \definebodyfont [20.7pt,17.3pt,14.4pt,12pt,11pt,10pt,9pt,8pt,7pt,6pt,5pt,4pt] [rm] [ob=SerifBold sa 1, bi=SerifBoldItalic sa 1, bs=SerifBoldSlanted sa 1, sc=SerifCaps sa 1] -- Professor Idris Samawi Hamid Department of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523