On lundi, fév 3, 2003, at 17:33 Europe/Paris, Henning Hraban Ramm wrote:
What's the easiest way to right-align a left-aligned block of text?
\startalignmen[right] %left,middle
The lines \stopalignment
No, that's a simple left-aligned (raggedright) block of text. I need to right-align a left-aligned block, like this:
| one line | a very long line| another line | |
The text should go as far to the right as the longest line allows.
Grüßlis vom Hraban!
Using Plain TeX macros, which work also in ConTeXt, I do it the following way (which is probably not elegant...): \starttext \vbox{ \hbox{\bf laboratoire\dots}\medskip \line{\it universit\'e de versailles\hfill cnrs (umr 7641)} \vskip .3 true cm \hrule \vskip .3 true cm \line{% \vtop{ \hbox{Laboratoire\dots } \hbox{B\^atiment Fermat} \hbox{Universit\'e de Versailles} \hbox{45, avenue des \'Etats-Unis} \hbox{78035 Versailles cedex} \hbox{France}} \hss\vtop{ \hbox{t\'el\'ephone : 01 39 25 25 25} \hbox{{secr\'etariat : num\'ero \`a pr\'eciser plus tard}} \hbox{fax : 01 39 25 25 25} } } } \stoptext