(sorry, I sent it before refining it) Il 16/10/20 20:57, Jano Kula ha scritto:
Processing XML I want to manipulate content of XML elements inside Lua.
I can define the Lua function xml.functions.name http://xml.functions.name(t), where processing happens, and use the command \xmlfunction{#1}{name} to pass the current node #1from ctx to lua as described in the xml-mkiv.pdf manual. To access the element content xml.text(t,"/element") Lua function is used.
However, using the same function xml.text("#1",/element) directly inside Lua doesn't work for me. Node #1 is available, but not the content of /element.
In your lua fragment, node #1 is available as "xml:name::4" or "xml:name::6", but not as a lua table. When node #1 is passed to a \xmlfunction, the function gets a lua table as argument. To write direct lua code instead of a xmlfunction you'd need a function to transform those "xml:name::..." into the lua tables representing the xml elements in the xml tree. Which is what \xmlfunction does, so I wouldn't expect any performance gain. Massi