13 May
13 May
5:51 p.m.
On Fri, 13 May 2016, Hans Åberg wrote:
There may not be so many symbols: the “large operators" in the Tex Book, p. 435, though Unicode have more, and some others like √ U+221A for \sqrt.
If you want, you can collect such mappings in a separate module.
I could not make your code working - does it require a later LuaTex version (than 0.80.0)?
Here is a complete working example (OT: The location of the limit is still ugly with xits fonts) \setupbodyfont[xits,10pt] \appendtoks \catcode`∫=\activecatcode \letcharcode `∫ \int \to \everymathematics \setupmathematics[integral=nolimits] Nolimits $\int_0^∞ f ω$, and $∫_0^∞ f ω$ \startformula \int_0^∞ f ω,\quad ∫_0^∞ f ω \stopformula