Am 04.05.2013 um 09:21 schrieb Aditya Mahajan
On 2013-05-03, at 7:36 PM, "Meer, H. van der"
wrote: Seems finally solved (sigh). I cleaned out all files loading typescripts on the fly. - typescript macros ending in ] at the end of a line have now ]% at the end of the line - empty lines have been removed for clarity - all files now have \endinput at the end.
The files changed fit in a 54KB zip and I can send them if Hans/Wolfgang/.. wants to incorporate them in the next beta.
I haven't followed this thread in detail, but an alternative is to redefine \starttypescript etc. to use a different catcode regime so that new lines and spaces are ignores (similar to \starttexdefinition, etc)
A better method is to ignore the endlinechar when typescript files are loaded. \newcount\savedendlinechar \starttext Line 1\crlf \savedendlinechar\endlinechar \endlinechar\minusone \switchtobodyfont[pagella] \endlinechar\savedendlinechar Line 2 \stoptext Wolfgang