Jessica Holle wrote:
I've some questions about the Image Database. I found no answers in the xfigure.pdf.
Can I generate the xml file automaticly? I can use xmltools --dir --pattern=/home/tralal/*.jpg --output=tralala.xml but then in the xml file doesn't stad figure, there is file. so this doesn't work I think.
Must everything be in the same folder? the xmlfile, the images and my document I'm writing? Or can I specify a directory in the xmlfile? So that the images can be on an other folder than the xmlfile? Normally I prepare a directory with the figures. The xml-file is then generated and compiled. The resulting figure-databse I transfer then to
Humble, I do not know what xmltools all can do. I use a perl-sript to generate the xml-file. - Please have a look into the attached file the directory where the tex files reside.
Must the xmlfile be in the same directory than my document?
I hope this will help you. Kind regards Willi
_______________________________________________ ntg-context mailing list
## Prepare an XML-file for the preparation of a figure-database with TeX
## XML-file header information:
$Librarylanguage = "en";
$Organization = "Willi";
$Project = "Restauratie";
$Product = "Restauratie-cursus ";
$Comment = "Figure database";
$CopyRight = "WE" ;
## Variables
$Filename = "";
$FileextensionA = "pdf";
$FileextensionB = "png";
#~ $FileextensionC = "1";
$Filedate = "";
$Filetimestamp ;
$Filesize= "";
$Globstring = "*." . $FileextensionA;
$Outfile = ">Figure-lib.xml";
## Date
($Second, $Minute, $Hour, $DayOfMonth, $Month, $Year, $WeekDay, $DayOfYear, $IsDST) = localtime(time);
$RealMonth = $Month +1 ;
$RealYear = $Year + 1900 ;
printf ('%02d.%02d.%04d', $DayOfMonth,$RealMonth,$RealYear);
print "\n";
## Open the XML-file for writing:
open(OUTFILE, $Outfile);
## Print XML-file header:
## Collect Figure files into an list:
@Files = glob($Globstring);
$Globstring = "*." . $FileextensionB;
@MoreFiles = glob($Globstring);
push(@Files, @MoreFiles);
#~ $Globstring = "*." . $FileextensionC;
#~ @MoreFiles = glob($Globstring);
#~ push(@Files, @MoreFiles);
## Work on each filename:
foreach $Filename (@Files) {
#~ $exifinfo = `identify -verbose -format "%[EXIF:*]" $Filename`;
#~ chomp($exifinfo);
#~ if(length($exifinfo) < 2){
#~ $Filetimestamp = (-C $Filename) ;
#~ $Filedatestamp = time - $Filetimestamp ;
#~ ($Second, $Minute, $Hour, $DayOfMonth, $Month, $Year, $WeekDay, $DayOfYear, $IsDST) = localtime($Filedatestamp);
#~ $RealMonth = $Month +1 ;
#~ $RealYear = $Year + 1900 ;
#~ $FileDate = $DayOfMonth . "." . $RealMonth . "." . $RealYear ;
#~ }
#~ else {
#~ @exiflines = split(/\n/,$exifinfo);
#~ foreach $exifline (@exiflines){
#~ ($exifHeader,$exifData) = split(/=/,$exifline,2);
#~ if($exifHeader eq "DateTimeOriginal"){
#~ $FileDate = substr($exifData,8,2) . "." . substr($exifData,5,2) . "." . substr($exifData,0,4);
#~ }
#~ }
#~ }
$Filesize = (-s $Filename) ;
if ($Filesize > 1024){
$Filesize = int($Filesize / 1024) . "k";
## Determine first part of filename -> label in figure library
($Label,$Suffix) = split (/\./,$Filename) ;
## Print the XMLblock for the actual figurefile:
print OUTFILE "</figurelibrary>";
## End of main programme.
sub Header{
print OUTFILE "<!-- Figurelibrary: $Outfile -->\n" ;
print OUTFILE "<!-- Date of generation:" ;
printf OUTFILE ('%02d.%02d.%04d', $DayOfMonth,$RealMonth,$RealYear) ;
print OUTFILE "-->\n" ;
print OUTFILE "<!-- Figurelibrary generated automatically by PERL -->\n" ;
print OUTFILE "<!-- Script by W. Egger, 27.04.2003 -->\n" ;
print OUTFILE "\n" ;
print OUTFILE "\n" ;
print OUTFILE "\n" ;
print OUTFILE "