Hi Hans, from the huge changeset two weeks ago: +texio.write_nl("The font code has been brought in sync with the context version of 2014.12.01 so") +texio.write_nl("if things don't work out as expected the interfacing needs to be checked. When") -- Message received ;) First off, thanks for bringing the fontloader into sync again. So far I haven’t noticed any obviously broken features. However, something is off with the node injector. We have a bug reported by Hironori Kitagawa that occurs with the ``palt`` feature in node mode: http://tug.org/pipermail/luatex/2014-November/004976.html Importing the shiny new font injector into the merged fontloader fixes the issue. FWIW here are test files https://bitbucket.org/phg/lua-la-tex-tests/src/tip/cnt-features-12-palt.tex https://bitbucket.org/phg/lua-la-tex-tests/src/tip/pln-features-12-palt.tex The Context version runs fine whereas the plain one does so only after my “fix”. The same is true for Context itself: replace font-inj.lua with node-inj.lua in the format to reproduce the issue. Is there a fix to the fontloader, perhaps only temporarily until the revised injector becomes ready? Best, Philipp