Greetings, First question: I thought that composing words using || should break after the hyphen/dash, but for whatever reasons, this does not always work correctly and breaks such that the hyphen/dash is in the next line — see attached picture. Processed by luatex, updated today. The source code is not fancy in any way: \language[de]% %[…] Die Ausgabe einer komplexen Netzwerkkomponente wie einem TTEthernet||Switch kann am leichtesten von einer einfachen Vergleichsschaltung überprüft werden, wenn die paarweise angeordneten Komponenten Bit für Bit synchron arbeiten %[…] Second question: Why did you choose the «En dash» as the default intra word dash for at least English and German, whereby this is wrong in most cases and should be the hyphen instead? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dash#En_dash lists the uses of the En dash. It is limited to number ranges, relationships and connections and compound adjectives. for me, \setuphyphenmark[sign=normal] fixed the issue, but the “correct” way (hyphen) should be the default, IMHO. – Matthias