Hello Vyatcheslav,
2007/4/2, Vyatcheslav Yatskovsky
Then, we need something like Word2ConText (or a macro written in VBA) to convert incoming papers to ConText code and then easily assemble them. Something, that resembles famous Word2Tex application.
I've recently created such a solution for a journal, hand-crafted to a very specific document template. They now have to pre-format every article with this template, export it to HTML and my converter makes Context of it. Be awary, that this required a significiant amount of time (and money, as it was contract work). But the basic idea is quite simple: * preformat the doc in word by applying special paragraph styles to all paragraphs (which will be mapped nicely to CSS classes) * Export the word doc to HTML * make XML from it with htmltidy * filter out those huge amounts of unneeded stuff (CSS-Stuff, DIVs and the like) * go through the list of paragraphs, and for each paragraph type know what to do I've implemented it in Python (using DOM and SAX, now that I know more, I would start with ElementTree from the beginning). Unfortunately, as it was contract work, I cannot give out the code, but if specific questions arise, I will gladly share my experiences. Yours Karsten