Hi Robert, Debugged and all, here you go. Cheers, Sietse \useexternalfigure[img:fig:cow][cow.pdf] \useexternalfigure[img:fig:mill][mill.png] \starttext \section{Pictures} % The externalfigure names HAVE TO take the form 'img:FIGURELABEL', % or the automatic image list at the end on won't be able to % guess the image names from the figure labels. \placefigure[here][fig:cow] {cap-cow} {\externalfigure[img:fig:cow]} \section{More pictures} \placefigure[here][fig:mill] {cap-mill} {\externalfigure[img:fig:mill]} %%%% Lists start here %%%%%%% \enablemode[draft] \startmode[draft] % Better list heading --- the captions are what matters \setupheadtext[figures=List of Captions] \completelistoffigures % Now for printing all the images \section{List of Pictures} \startluacode -- we won't need the keys k, but still. for k,v in pairs(structures.lists.ordered.float.figure) do label_string = v.references.reference -- `..` is Lua for string concatenation image_string = "img:" .. label_string -- TeX <--> Lua, passing arguments to commands -- [stuff] <--> { 'stuff' } -- [stuff=bother] <--> { stuff = 'bother' } -- {stuff} <--> 'stuff' -- context.in() seems to have some Lua meaning -- so we print the command string directly, instead context("\\in{Figure}[" .. label_string .. "]") context.page( { 'no' } ) context.externalfigure( { image_string }, { 'here' } ) context.hairline() context.par() -- end paragraph end \stopluacode \stopmode \stoptext