On 9/12/07, Andrea Valle wrote:
PS: I wikified some of the previous xetex infos. Please someone check I didn't write silly stuff...
The information that \externalfigure should be replaced by \XeTeXpicfile is misleading. It is a temporary solution for the bug (I didn't test recently, but I had serious prolems with inclusion of binary figures and newer PDF file versions), but not a general rule. The bug should be fixed if it still exists, rather than asking people to rewrite their sources to low-level commands. (The problems I had were the following: all the photos taken with my camera resulted in way too big images in the final PDF (width=, height= had absolutely no effect). It worked OK with pdfTeX & LuTeX though, and if I took that picture, modified it a bit in some external program and saved it again, it worked OK. So my temporary workaround was to save the photos again in some other program. But it should be fixed.) Mojca