Hi Mikael, your examples are simpler, that is correct, but all of them have the extra space. Thanks for the simpler code, I will integrate it! Gerion Am Dienstag, 20. August 2024, 12:41:45 MESZ schrieb Mikael Sundqvist:
There is indeed a space added in this case. But you do not need n=3. And in fact, you do not need a simplealign either, but can use an ordinary align, with location=packed. It looks like you had the wrong number of \NC. I hope the examples below help, the last one is merely for Hans for looking into why the relation-digit space is added there.
\showglyphs \showboxes
OK with \typ {n=2} instead of \typ {n=3}:
\startformula \startalign \NC a = b \NC \NR \NC \NC \startinneralign[n=2,align={1:right,2:left}] \NC A \NC = B \NR \NC f(x,y) \NC = \startcases \NC 1 \NC a \NR \NC 1 \NC b \NR \NC 1 \NC b \NR \stopcases \NR \stopinneralign \NR \stopalign \stopformula
With align and location set to packed, instead of simplealign
\startformula \startalign \NC a = b \NC \NR \NC \NC \startalign[n=2,location=packed,align={1:right,2:left}] \NC A \NC = B \NR \NC f(x,y) \NC = \startcases \NC 1 \NC a \NR \NC 1 \NC b \NR \NC 1 \NC b \NR \stopcases \NR \stopalign \NR \stopalign \stopformula
Extra \typ {reldig} space before the 1:
\startformula \startalign[n=3,location=packed,align={1:right,2:middle,2:left}] \NC A \NC = \NC B \NR \NC f(x,y) \NC = \NC \startcases \NC 1 \NC a \NR \NC 2 \NC b \NR \stopcases \NR \stopalign \stopformula
On Tue, Aug 20, 2024 at 11:55 AM Gerion Entrup
wrote: Hi,
I currently have the case of a strange extra space in math mode when using cases in inner align.
Here is a MWE to demonstrate the problem: ``` \definemathsimplealign[inneralign] \startdocument \startformula \startalign \NC a = b \NR \NC \NC \startinneralign[n=3,align={1:right,2:middle,3:left}] \NC A \NC = \NC B \NR \NC f(x,y) \NC = \NC \startcases \NC \text{strange} \NC a \NR \NC \text{normal} \NC b \NR \NC \text{also normal} \NC b \NR \stopcases \stopinneralign \stopalign \stopformula \stopdocument ```
"strange" and "normal" are not aligned what I would expect but strange has more space in front of it. Is this a usage error or a bug in the math engine?
Best, Gerion___________________________________________________________________________________