Hi, I don't know if I will explain my problem clearly but I will try. For my students' tests, I use a master file. If I insert this piece of code, there is a large white space that is created between the horizontal line of the header and the first exercise. Thanks for your help. Fabrice \startMPcode def suite (expr n, t) = begingroup numeric u; u := 5mm; pickup pencircle scaled 5pt; for i=0 upto n: for j=0 upto n: drawdot (i*u,j*u) shifted(t*u,0) withcolor \MPcolor{darkred}; endfor endfor endgroup enddef; def Suite (expr n, t) = begingroup numeric u; u := 5mm; pickup pencircle scaled 5pt; for i=0 upto n: drawdot(i*u,0) shifted(t*u,0) withcolor \MPcolor{blue}; endfor endgroup enddef; def cross (expr n, t) = begingroup numeric u; u := 5mm; pickup pencircle scaled 5pt; for i=-n upto n: drawdot(0,i*u) shifted(t*u,0) withcolor \MPcolor{blue}; endfor endgroup enddef; \stopMPcode __________________________________________________________ %horizontal line % big unwanted white space \starttext % \startex First exercise \startlinecorrection[blank] \startmidaligned \startcombination[1*2] {\startMPcode Suite(2,0); cross(1,1); Suite(4,4); cross(2,6); Suite(6,10); cross(3,13); \stopMPcode }{\tfx \bf Suite 1} {\startMPcode suite(0,0); suite(1,2); suite(2,5); \stopMPcode }{\tfx \bf Suite 2} \stopcombination \stopmidaligned \stoplinecorrection %\stopex \stoptext