Stuart Jansen wrote:
On Tue, 2005-06-14 at 23:05 +0200, Nikolai Weibull wrote:
I would like to lowercase section titles within the document while retaining their casing in the table of contents. I’ve tried figuring out how to use setuphead[section][textcommand=...] to do what I wish, but failed. Anyone have any suggestions?
No suggestion, but I'd be interested too. I've tried many different approaches. Most did nothing. A couple modified the text both on the page and in the TOC. One even corrupted the .tui file. All I can say is it isn't as easy as it sounds.
Does this help? It's ugly, but somewhat functional % the unexpanded is because we do not want % actual \lowercase commands in the contents list \unexpanded\def\dodowncase{\lowercase} % The redefinition of \dodowncase removes the \lowercase command locally \def\myplacecontent{{\def\dodowncase{}\placecontent}} \starttext \myplacecontent \section{\dodowncase{This is A SECtion}} \subsection{\dodowncase{This is A sub-SECtion}} \subsection{\dodowncase{Another Subsec}} \stoptext