% % Start of Context Document Example \definelayer [Logo] % name of the layer we are defining [ x=0mm, y=0mm, % x,y coord where center of layer should be.? (=10,10) hoffset=0mm,voffset=0mm, % offset from where? left side? ndn topside? location={right,top} % relative location withing a layer area ] \starttext \setlayer[Logo][x=75mm,y=13mm] { \bTABLE[frame=off] \bTR \bTD Company Name \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD Address..... \eTD \eTR \eTABLE } \setupbackgrounds[page][background=Logo] \title{Hello Mr. Smith} I do hope that all is going well for you. \dorecurse{5}{\input knuth \par} \stoptext % % End of Context Document example