Hello, I would like to ask a couple of questions about frames and numbers in math formulas. 1. What's the best way to frame a formula like here: \placeformula \startformula \mframed{x^2+y^2=z^2} \stopformula The problem is that: - formula number is shifted downwards in comparison to the formula without a number - I don't know how to do the settings (frame color, frame offset) globally. There's no \setupmframed[...] command. It's probably possible to use a sort of \setupframed[whatever_setting_influencing_only_mframed], but I don't know how. 2. What's the general strategy when doing evel stuff with formula numbering? I would like to use \eqalign and then number formulas like on the following example: z^2=x^2+y^2 (1) =(x'-x_0)^2+(y'-y_0)^2 % no number =R^2\cos^2(\phi) (2) Can I somehow number the formulas (1), (2), (3.a), (3.b), (3.c), (4), (5.1), (5.2)? I would like to manually provide where to start and stop numbering with x.a or x.1, x.2. 3. How can I put more than one equation in a row and number all of them (as if they were placed in three columns)? 4. How can I move the formula number one row lower in case that the formula is too long and if it would overlap with the formula number otherwise? Thank you very much for any help, Mojca