I have been playing with this a bit. I think that the following does
what you want as far as setting up the margin text and description.
I am no help on the mp stuff that you will need for curly or
other-dotted rules.
As you probably saw, neither \setupmargindata nor \setupmarginframed
are in the wiki. The list archive has some hints, but the source
code, if you ignore a couple of misleading comments, suggested what
I got to work.
The problem you will run into with the description as you want to
use it comes when you have multiple paragraphs. Without a start/stop
mechanism, there is no way to mark the paragraphs to include within
the scope of the line. As long as you are willing to enclose
multiple paragraphs in braces (and provide a null description as I
do here) you will be fine, but at that point you may as well use the
There is still a problem with the margin rule extending through the
blank line that results from the implied \par at the end of the
description block (and any explicit \par). It looks ugly and isn't
matched by the behavior of the rule in the start/stop text. Perhaps
someone else can find a way around it.
Some of this is probably unnecessary for what you want; for example,
instead of using optional arguments you may prefer to hardcode the
choice of rule # and color. If you want to always use the same color
with the same rule #, you can simplify in other ways.
I did use MKVI syntax, simply because I have been trying to use it
consistently in all my current work. It should be easily translated
back to earlier syntax.
% macros=mkvi
\setupmargindata [left]
\starttexdefinition startMtext
\starttexdefinition dostartMtext [#RULE][#COLOR][#ORDER]
{\def\Rule{2}}% default rule
{\def\Color{green}}% default color
\starttexdefinition stopMtext
\startMtext [1][][first]
\input knuth
\startMtext [2][green][second]
\input tufte
\startMtext [3][blue][third]
\input tufte
\startMtext [4][black][fourth]
\input knuth
\input knuth
Just a few lines of text before the marked text.
\input tufte
And a few lines of text after the marked text.
\input knuth
\greenline \input knuth
\greenline{} {Some text and tufte: \input tufte
Some more text.}
\input tufte
\startMtext [][magenta][last]
\input tufte