Hi, I want to use a frame with metapost background to highlight some text inside metapost. But, the best that I can do is get metapost to typeset the code for the background, rather than execute it! Any ideas on a work around (in MkIV). \startmode[error] \defineoverlay[MP:background] [\useMPgraphic{MP:backgound}] \startuseMPgraphic{MP:backgound} draw OverlayBox randomized 9pt withcolor blue; \stopuseMPgraphic \stopmode \defineframed[boxframed][frame=on,background=MP:background] % A frame defined with \defineframe does not work % inside Metapost, so I prevent expansion. \unexpanded\def\boxed#1{\boxframed{#1}} \starttext \boxed{Boxed in text} \startMPcode draw textext("\boxed{boxed in metapost}") ; %draw textext("\boxframed{boxed in metapost}") ; \stopMPcode \stoptext Thanks, Aditya