Well, this was total waste of space from my part. When I found a
working file in a different project and copied the code over I
realized that my problem code should never have worked: I had
\setuppagenumber[stop] when I should have had
\setuppagenumber[state=stop]. Adding "state=" to my non-working code
solved all the problems and page numbering works the way I want to
have it.
And, as Wolfgang explained, I really don't need
\setuppagenumber[state=start] in the beginning of bodymatter, so now I
can even clean up my code a bit. Thank you, Wolfgang, I think I
understand blocks better now.
On Tue, Sep 3, 2019 at 7:03 PM Wolfgang Schuster
Mari Voipio schrieb am 02.09.2019 um 13:07:
I have a document where I want the page numbers to start from the first page of chapter one. There's bunch of stuff before that, including a table of contents. This has worked fine:
\startproduct prd-pr23
\startfrontmatter \setuppagenumber[stop] \component pr23-cover_front_web \component blank.tex \component c-contents \stopfrontmatter
\startbodymatter \setuppagenumber[start] \component dtr_pg.tex \stopbodymatter
However, now I need to switch to using a full-page pdf as cover page and changing that one line messes up with my page numbering, now TOC appears as page 1 and chapter one starts from page 2 in my test file.
\startproduct prd-pr23
\startfrontmatter \setuppagenumber[stop] \startpagefigure[cover_vaisala_front_stripped]\stoppagefigure \component blank.tex \component c-contents \stopfrontmatter
\startbodymatter \setuppagenumber[start] \component dtr_pg.tex % third chapter (DTR) \stopbodymatter
What is it that I don't see? I tried moving the cover page before the \startfrontmatter, but that didn't change anything, TOC still starts on page 2 when it shouldn't have a page number at all. Why does switching the cover page from .tex to \pagefigure have such an effect and how can I counteract it?
Mari The \setuppagenumber command takes an assignment as argument but in your example you pass keywords to it.
When you change the setting in the frontmatter to \setuppagenumber[state=stop] the numbers disappear. Since settings in a sectionblock are local there is no need to enable the counter in the bodypart because the previous setting is forgotten.
When I look in your attached files I see that some file contain the setting \setuppagenumber[state=stop] which disabled the page counter.