On 7 Jun 2016, at 00:05, Hans Hagen
wrote: On 6/6/2016 11:10 PM, Hans Åberg wrote:
You are welcome. Unicode has added math styles, which some fonts have, like STIX. Those not in the chart below have other positions, as they were added earlier.
http://www.unicode.org/charts/ http://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U1D400.pdf
they are not really styles but alphabets, where shapes have some meaning in a domain
you can just enter the right coee points or you can switch to an alphabet with (a combination of) commands
for complete sans support one needs more (also in order to distinguish betwene sans alphabets and sans sans ones)
the same applies to bold .. they are bold alphabets + a few bold symbols with special meaning
Those math semantic sanfs-serif styles were added because in some types of applied math, they are required, as in the standard I indicated in another thread. However, the OP did not indicate their use.