On Wed, 27 Dec 2017 22:44:50 +0100
Hans Hagen
Why is the \vec{} arrow too short in some cases? Compare $\vec{X}$ to $\vec{Y}$.
The MWE below looks wrong in the default font and is even uglier when pagella is used.
%\setupbodyfont [pagella]
\starttext $\vec{X}$ vs. $\vec{Y}$ \stoptext As this is has been the logic in tex font design for more than 3 decades, there's not much that we can do about it apart from patching
On 12/27/2017 7:01 PM, Alan Braslau wrote: the font (doable but somewhat nasty and boring as we then need to patch specific elements of (each) hvariant and it falls in the category "hard to motivate myself for").
\starttext \start \dorecurse{50}{$\vec{\blackrule[width=#1pt]}$\space}\unskip\par \stop \blank \start \switchtobodyfont [pagella] \dorecurse{50}{$\vec{\blackrule[width=#1pt]}$\space}\unskip\par \stop \blank \start \switchtobodyfont [cambria] \dorecurse{50}{$\vec{\blackrule[width=#1pt]}$\space}\unskip\par \stop \stoptext
Shows that it's a font design issue: the extensible has a threshold related to the middle part and it should (1) have at least one more fixed size, or (2) have one fixed size and for the rest be extensible but that would be somewhat inefficient ion most cases, so (3) here we have a trade-off.
Just blame the font ... cambria is (of course) ok.
Even Computer Modern! Do you mean to tell me that the TeX Gyre fonts are all "broken"? And that the *only* correctly working font is ... Cambria? So following up on the font discussion at the last ConTeXt meeting, must we conclude that *all* of the fonts that we distribute with the Standalone are to be avoided, and that one must pilfer the MicroSoft font in order to typeset mathematics correctly? Alan