I had a working installation of texlive 2007 on my opensuse 11.0 machine. I had metapost working nicely converting my *.mp files into *.pdf files. Yesterday, I upgraded to texlive 2009 that is available at http://software.opensuse.org/search/download?base=openSUSE%3A11.0&fil...http://www.google.com/url?sa=D&q=http://software.opensuse.org/search/download%3Fbase%3DopenSUSE%253A11.0%26file%3DPublishing%252FopenSUSE_11.0%252Fnoarch%252Ftexlive-2009-42.2.noarch.rpm%26query%3Dtexlive&usg=AFQjCNFYOop1cl-WcQify3O1T-zyK3GFeA I installed all the upgrades of the following packages: texlive texlive-bin-tools texlive-bin-metapost texlive-bin-latex texlive-bin texlive-tools texlive-metapost texlive-latex texlive-context texlive-latex-doc To test my installation, I ran the command mptopdf on some mp files that I had successfully converted to pdf on the earlier installation. Here is the message I am seeing for one such file (blk.mp): ram@linux-94ai:~/Desktop> mptopdf blk.mp MTXrun | kpse fallback with progname 'context' initialized in 0.12 seconds MPtoPDF 1.3.3 : running 'mpost --mem=mpost --tex=latex blk.mp' This is MetaPost, version 1.208 (kpathsea version 5.0.0) ! I can't find file `blk.mp'. <*> blk.mp Please type another input file name: You see, the file blk.mp is very much present in the directory (~/ Desktop). Could someone please help me? Thanks in advance. Best wishes, Ram.