On Tue, 25 Nov 2008, Lars Huttar wrote:
I've been reading through the TeXbook to solidify the foundations for TeX programming. In an exercise on roman and italic text, ConTeXt seems to behave differently from what the book specifies (Plain TEX) at a fairly fundamental level.
I could understand ConTeXt possibly changing the details of \rm's definition, e.g. a change in default font family; but it would really be surprising to find that the logic of \rm's behavior has been changed.
Please help me understand if this is a bug or if there is a design principle of ConTeXt that I should be aware of...
It is a design decision. See the chapter of typography (http://context.aanhet.net/svn/contextman/context-reference/en/co-typography....) in the new manual (under preparation). Aditya