On 2012-04-20 Jelle Huisman
Is there a way to extract the value for ["total"] ('122' in this case) so that I can use that value somewhere else, e.g. in a project file where I want to present a word count.
I used the word count some time ago. Here's the code I used. I have no idea what has changed since and if it still works. \startluacode userdata = userdata or { } function userdata.wordcount(listname) filename = file.addsuffix(tex.jobname,"words") if lfs.isfile(filename) then local w = dofile(filename) if w then if type(w.categories[listname]) == "table" then context(w.categories[listname].total) else context(w.total) end context.par() end end end \stopluacode \def\wordcount{% \dosingleempty\dowordcount} \def\dowordcount[#1]{% \ctxlua{userdata.wordcount("#1")}} \starttext % Set up the word count \ctxlua{languages.words.threshold=2} \setupspellchecking [state=start, method=2] \setupspellchecking [list=foo] \startsection [title=Foo] Foo Bar \stopsection \setupspellchecking [list=lorem] \startsection [title=Lorem] Lorem ipsum dolor sit \stopsection \setupspellchecking [list=stop] \startsubject [title=Statistics] Words in Foo: \wordcount [foo] Words in Lorem: \wordcount [lorem] \stopsubject \stoptext Marco