I have a document with hundreds of labels generated by \definelabel. They are used to index quotations in the text. Some of these occur in notes. Previously I had all such notes at the end of the book, as endnotes, but an editor requested a version with the notes as traditional footnotes. When the notes with labels appear in footnotes, the labels are not printed. The MWE below demonstrates the problem. I would expect to see a red 2 at the end of the first line of the footnote.

I have tried to use \defineenumeration instead of \definelabel, but I cannot get a comparable result to what I have with definelabel.

Is this a bug in the footnote typesetting, or a problem with my expectations?
\definelabel   [Qi][text=,alternative=inright,headcolor=red]
\definenote    [pagenote]
\setupnotation [pagenote][way=bypage,numberconversion=set 2]
\definenote    [endnote]
\setupnotation [endnote][way=bytext,location=none,conversion=numbers]
  {\Qi}An index in the margin.\par
  Text with a numbered endnote with an index\endnote{%
    {\Qi}The numbered endnote with its index. The numbered endnote
         with its index. The numbered endnote with its index.%
  } and a marked pagenote with an index.\pagenote{%
    {\Qi}The marked pagenote, but where is the index? The marked
         pagenote, but where is the index? The marked pagenote, but
         where is the index?%
  The endnote follows.\par
Rik Kabel