At 20:35 15/04/2004, you wrote:
Dan Luecking has reported the following problem on c.t.t.:
When mptopdf is used on a .mp file it preprocesses the file and the result (on my system it seems always to be named mptrace.tmp) is run through mpost. This mptrace.tmp has new-lines after every semicolon (;). This causes an error when the semicolon is part of a literal string, because mpost syntax requires such strings to be entirely on one line.
the reason for adding newlines after ;'s is that there have been problems with the metapost buffer length i didn't test itm, but maybe s/(btex.*?)\;(.*?etex)/$1\@\@\@$2/gmois; s/(\".*?)\;(.*?\")/$1\@\@\@$2/gmois; # add this line s/\;/\;\n/gmois; s/\n\n/\n/gmois; s/(btex.*?)\@\@\@(.*?etex)/$1\;$2/gmois; s/(\".*?)\@\@\@(.*?\")/$1\;$2/gmois; # and this one somewhere around line 2260 in texexec.pl will help Hans