22 Dec
22 Dec
9:10 a.m.
Hi all, I have some chemical formulae in chapter heading and figure captions, typeset with the chemic module. The chemic module always uses roman font as desired. When I include them in table of contents and list of figures, the chemical formulae appears in math italic font instead of roman font. See the following code for example. Chemic Manual mentioned using \rm but it doesn't seem to be the case. $\rm H_2O$ works fine in the list, but not \chemical{H_2O}. Any suggestions? Thank you. \usemodule[chemic] \starttext \writetolist[chapter]{}{ABC} \writetolist[chapter]{}{$H_2O$} \writetolist[chapter]{}{$\rm H_2O$} \writetolist[chapter]{}{\chemical{H_2O}} \completecontent \stoptext Regards, shenchen