I just started switching after long years of typesetting with La-/Omega-/pdfTeX to Context and was exploring the capabilities of the program for typesetting critical editions. So I was wondering whether there is any updated information on how to produce critical editions? Details: I was able to find the article "Ediciones críticas con ConTeXt" (is this in use?) as well as a plan of and a remark concerning critTeXt: "As I learned from a thread on NTG-context from early 2010 we shouldn't expect a dedicated package, but that ConTeXt will eventually incorporate the needed functionalities." What is the status of that? I also found out that for simple editions context already works. For critical editions in my field we need both footnote references based on linenumbers (for prose), but also references to verse number, which can be entered manually. The main problem for me was to find the command \linenote :) % Setup of \linenote \setupnotation[linenote] [alternative=serried,width=broad,distance=.5em,display=no] \setupnote[linenote][way=bypage,paragraph=yes,rule=off] % \variant as a footnote without reference number \definenote [variant] [footnote] \setupnotation[variant][number=no] \setupnote[variant][way=bypage,paragraph=yes,rule=off] % Two "environments" for Sanskrit verses, one with, one without linenumbers. % SANSKRIT EDITION linenumbers \definelines[slokaed][][indenting={yes, small, even}, before=\startnarrower\startlinenumbering,after=\stoplinenumbering\stopnarrower] % SANSKRIT EDITION plain (referring to verses) \definelines[slokaedplain][][indenting={yes, small, even}, before=\startnarrower,after=\stopnarrower] With this the code of the edition can be pleasently minimalistic: \startslokaed mano buddhir ahaṃ prāṇās tanmātrendriyajīvanam yaṃ dṛṣṭvā\linenote{dṛṣṭvā ] dṛṣṭva G\lohi{pc}{1}} vinivartante tam \linenote{tam ] tat} upāsyam upāsmahe} \stopslokaed \startslokaedplain mano buddhir ahaṃ prāṇās tanmātrendriyajīvanam yaṃ dṛṣṭvā\variant{2c dṛṣṭvā ] dṛṣṭva} vinivartante tam \variant{2d tam ] tat} upāsyam upāsmahe (2) \stopslokaedplain So far, so good. Any hints to a more sophisticated solution are highly welcome. (I am a simple TeX user) Thanks Jürgen --- Prof. Dr. Juergen Hanneder Philipps-Universitaet Marburg FG Indologie u. Tibetologie Deutschhausstr.12 35032 Marburg Germany Tel. 0049-6421-28-24930 hanneder@staff.uni-marburg.de