On Dec 9, 2003, at 6:52 AM, Maurice Diamantini wrote:
A context2html solution is a big miss for ConTeXt tex4ht could be that solution. (if only a tex4ht power user would switch from LaTeX to ConTeXt :-)
I have contacted a friend who is a tex4ht power user and asked if he could help with making tex4ht work with ConTeXt. He said his "uneducated guess" is that tex4ht can be made to work with ConTeXt, but he would need help installing ConTeXt on his Sun Solaris account. He does not have root access. The help would consistent of: "Where to put things, setting up configuration files if such are needed, and similar issues that a user like me with no root access might encounter to get the system to run. In short, someone who can lead me in small steps through the installation process." Do such instructions already exist? Or, if someone can provide that type of help, please contact me offlist and I'll put y'all together.